Thursday, August 28, 2008

Our weather here has been so wacky. Hot then cool, warm then cool again etc. Also been having thunderstorms and lightning which is strange for around here. That alone has done a number on my head causing earaches and dizziness etc (the storms and weather changes). But I've been managing so so til tonight.

Tonight I suddenly just bottomed out. You get that? I'm sure you do. I don't know where the little energy i had vanished to. Seemed to flush right out the bottom of my feet all of the sudden. Ugh. Then I started feeling yuckie all over, yada yada.

A couple days ago I once againi noted that perfumes can cause acid reflux REAL bad. My daughter had a friend who dropped in, walked past me outside and whammo blammo, first the nose and throat followed later by big time acid burn. Who ever would think reflux could be caused by frag exposure?! It took me a long time to put that two plus two together but I've noted it several times now. MCS is fun too. NOT!

Well... summer's nearly gone already -----



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just found and love this blog. Have so many of the same issues and have been told so often it is all in my head but I Do Not believe them. I now have another potentially more serious illness, as yet undiagnosed. I have been told that this one links back to the other issues and is also mostly
"in my head". Not So! No one can feel this bad and be in this much physical pain and it be all in their head. I know the physicians just haven't found it yet. I am also now on disability and have no medical insurance. This makes it hard to get the tests that you need.
So, I get frustrated and "angry". I get agery at the ignorance and lack of compassion that abounds in the medical profession. I get angry at "friends" who tell me it's all in my head and just get on with being able to do what they want me to do.
I have learned how few friends I really have. I get angry when I realize that I am not the only one going through this and so many have it as bad , if not worse than I do.
Finally I get angry when I get the attitude or am told NOT to be angry!!

Enough of the anger, at least for today! I want to send much joy to the person and the family of the person who writes this blog!! It made me laugh, it made me cry, it gives me affirmation and the will to continue!

Blessings to You!!

11:43 AM  
Blogger Zona said...

Glad you found me! Check out my website (link on the left...zonaszone... and the section that lists support groups. you are NOT alone!


11:58 PM  

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