Thursday, September 21, 2006

Smoke Cleared Now Why Won't My Brain?

Stopping in just to tell you that the smoke is finally gone. Thank God! But it seems it took my brain and energy with it for I haven't had any in weeks (did I ever? no!).

I'm dreaming of all the things I had hoped to do this summer that I didn't do and wondering just how long it will be til winter. Wintertime here is a time where it is dreary for months. Many overcast days. Months worth! And the days get shorter and shorter until by Christmas the sky is dark around 4:30. It's hybernation time as far as my body's concerned. And so I'd better get some energy soon or I'll be sitting here with the same undone house, undealt with mess in the garage and piles of other undone things. I had so hoped to paint my bedroom when I could leave the window open and blow it out with the fan. Alas that isn't going to happen now. It's already getting too cool at night.

Ah well. I can dream?


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